8 Easy Ways to Repurpose Existing Content

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Us B2B marketers are stepping up our content production for our business clients, they’ve been reporting a 51% budget increase for this financial year alone in a recent Content Marketing Institute study. But even with this increased spending, only 30% of marketers say their efforts are actually effective for their clients.


Businesses and marketers must reach audiences with greater efficiency, but where and how to start…

"Content marketing represents the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want."

Michael Brenner, CEO of the Marketing Insider Group.

Everybody responds differently to different content formats and thats totally fine! Some people are visual learners responding positively to infographics, while auditory learners may prefer a podcast for instance. By repurposing your content, you meet audiences in the formats they prefer, all whilst extending your overall reach… Win win!

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Let’s get stuck right into finding out how to make your content work hard for you, your business and your clients.

8 different ways to repurpose content right now:

1. Turn Webinars into Video Tutorials

Creating successful webinars is time-consuming. You must choose the right topic, create the content, and promote the webinar to capture maximum interest and attention. After an event is over, many businesses move on to parking it as a casual on-demand webinar, and (maybe, maybe not) promoting it. But you don’t have to stop there…


With some webinars, especially new feature introductions and how-to’s, you can continue getting a return on your investment by repurposing your webinar content into video tutorials. Here are a few tips for getting started.

Research shows that the optimal length is about 45 to 90 seconds. Keep your content short and straight to the point.

You may have enough content for multiple video clips. If so, create a series and entice viewers to subscribe to build ongoing engagement.

If you have an email subscriber list, send out an email campaign promoting the videos to the appropriate target market, maybe even your current customers to upsell additional services. Also, take advantage of the capabilities of online social networking sites - Facebook, and others. Write a blog post about the upcoming series and publish it on your website.

You’ve already got the deck, why not? You may need to cut some slides and add text so the deck can stand alone.

2. Transform SlideShares to Infographics

SlideShare is a powerful tool, capturing the attention of 70 million unique visitors each month. In fact, it’s one of the 100 most-visited websites in the world… So it’s no surprise that marketers are using this tool to expand businesses potential reach. But once you’ve created a really amazing SlideShare, you can extract key points and stats to generate an infographic. Here are a few tips:

Your SlideShare may be packed with really amazing data, but stay focused on a single theme.

This gives you double the power and reach. You can promote the blog post and infographic separately to increase visibility.

Most people think infographics only contain data points. But, in fact, 53% of the most-shared infographics do not actually contain data visualisation. 

You can also reverse this type of repurposing. For example, start with an infographic and build it into a SlideShare. The important thing is that you’re getting the most mileage out of your content.

3. Turn Podcasts into Blog Posts

Podcasts are a great resource for content repurposing. They’re packed with information you can leverage into a variety of formats, such as blog posts. 


This is great, because only 30% of the population are auditory learners. Those with other learning styles prefer to read or visually see information to process it. Here are a few tips for transforming your podcasts to blog posts:

Get your podcasts transcribed, then quickly edit the transcript into blog post format. You’ll save a ton of time (not re-listening to the audio) and have a quick, ready-made blog post.

Did the person you interviewed say something really great? If so, call that out in the blog post and add the “Click to Share” link to promote social sharing.

Once you publish the blog post, share it with everyone who was interviewed or included in the podcast episode. If they have a large audience, this will greatly expand your reach and in return they'll be grateful for pre-made useable content too.

4. Convert Blog Posts to eBooks

B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that don’t blog… But once you create, share and maximise your efforts from each post, you want that content to keep on producing. Joel Fridlander details how he turned his blog archive into an ebook in this CopyBlogger post.


He sorted through his website archive, selected popular posts, wrote an introduction and conclusion, updated the content and published “A Self-Publisher’s Companion.” Here are a few tips for getting started:

Which blog posts performed best? Look for themes or similar topics that you can string together into different chapters.

Once you pull together the content, does any of it need to be updated? Maybe stats need updating or certain sections need more content. Refine any areas that need additional attention.

Quotes bring the eBook to life and keep readers engaged. Plus, they’re a great tool for promotion. For example, let’s say your eBook is about a specific pain point of your target audience. Reach out to influencers and ask for their insights on the topic. Sometimes you can get a quote in a quick conversation, or someone will answer a question through email. After you publish the book, share it with everybody who provided quotes (they will likely promote it).

4 More Types of Content to Repurpose

Keep in mind that you want to really maximise each and every hour you spend on your content marketing efforts. Here are a few more useful ways to repurpose for greater reach and easy band for your buck!

Do your customers commonly ask the same questions or express the same pain points? If so, you’ve likely written a Q&A for your website. Transform this information into a series of blog posts taking a deeper dive into each challenge.

After creating a white paper, pull the content into a blog series and create a call to action promoting the white paper. If the white paper is gated (prospects must provide their email to access), you can use it for lead generation, double whammy!

Does your company have an important event coming up? If so, capture the insights of attendees and then turn it into an eBook.

Are you planning on creating case studies this year? If so, expand your reach by creating short videos based on the content, and including interviews with your customer, to bring the story to life and make it a livelier testimonial.

Moving Forward with Greater Impact

With each piece of content that you create, you need to ask yourself; "How else can we use this and either gain more impact, or extent its lifespan"."

Rachel Jenkins, Director of 22 Century Design & Marketing.

You might also consider how to tweak each piece for different personas. As a result, you’ll stop thinking about content as a single output, and instead as a comprehensive suite that continues to pay off over time.


Massive amounts of time are saved during the planning stage as you begin to reach different audiences in many different formats, without “redoing” the work you did upfront. But best of all, you’ll learn what types of content your audience prefers through testing different formats to create more meaningful and authentic engagement.

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